Public Consultation Process on Sceilg Mhichíl Management Plan
Posted on 24 December 2018

A consultation period on a new 10-year Management Plan for the World Heritage Site of Sceilg Mhichíl is now open. The new 10 year Management Plan 2019-2029 will replace the current Plan dating from 2008, which has focused on protecting and preserving the outstanding universal value of the site while allowing it to be accessible to local communities and visitors to experience and enjoy its cultural and spiritual richness. The public consultation process is an important stage in developing the new Plan, recognising the responsibility of all stakeholders to work together to implement policies and deliver actions.
In announcing the commencement of the public consultation process, Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht Josepha Madigan TD spoke of the importance of hearing the views of communities and those with an interest in the site:
“Of all our wonderful archaeological monuments, Sceilg Mhichíl sits at the highest level in terms of its visibility and prominence, rising majestically from the ocean and filling us with a sense of wonder at its natural beauty and historic isolation and spiritualism.
It is the remit of my Department and of the OPW to preserve, conserve and manage this great site not only for the people of Ireland, but for the whole world. A new and comprehensive management plan will affirm our responsibilities to this magnificent place, and the views of our stakeholders are integral to our 10-year vision for the island.”
Minister with Special Responsibility for the OPW Kevin Boxer Moran TD added:
“I am happy to join today with Minister Madigan in encouraging people to contribute to the preparation of the management Plan for Sceilg Mhichíl which will guide us in how we manage the Island and its wonderful Monastic and Natural heritage over the next ten years.”
The new Management Plan will be submitted to UNESCO in 2019 and the public consultation process is open until 08 February 2019. This consultation will help to guide and inform the content and direction of the new Plan. Those with an interest in the management of the site are urged to make their views known to the Department of Culture Heritage and the Gaeltacht as soon as possible so that they can be fully considered before the new plan goes to UNESCO in the New Year. The existing Management Plan is available here to be used to inform views on a new Plan and details of how to make a submission are below.
Submissions to the consultation process can be made by post to:
Department of Culture Heritage and the Gaeltacht
Skellig Michael Management Plan,
The Custom House,
Dublin 1. D01 W6XO
or by email to:
Please include full contact details with your submission so that a full acknowledgement and response can be issued.
A separate public consultation process on a new National Heritage Plan for Ireland is also now open. Details at: