
Art at Knowth

Art at Knowth

Posted on 23 August 2011

This is a copy of the sign in the exhibition room at Knowth showing some of the most spectacular examples of Neolithic Art found at the site.

Michael J. & Claire O'Kelly - Partnership in Prehistory

Michael J. & Claire O'Kelly - Partnership in Prehistory

Posted on 23 August 2011

This is a copy of the exhibition on the O’Kelly’s work at Newgrange between 1962 and 1975.

Dowth Panel

Dowth Information Sheet

Posted on 23 August 2011

This is a copy of the sign at Newgrange showing the site during the early Bronze Age (2500BC), when a large wooden enclosure was constructed beside the mound which was no longer in use.

The Woodhenge or Pit Circle at Newgrange

The Woodhenge/Pit Circle at Newgrange

Posted on 23 August 2011

This is a copy of the sign at Newgrange showing the site during the early Bronze Age (2500BC), when a large wooden enclosure was constructed beside the mound which was no longer in use.

The Early Christian Ditch at Knowth

The Early Christian Ditch at Knowth

Posted on 23 August 2011

This is a copy of the sign at Knowth showing the great mound during the early Christian era (450AD) as Knowth was transformed into a massive defended site, where two huge ditches were dug, one at the base of the mound, the other near the top.

Winter Solstice Sign at Newgrange

Winter Solstice Sign at Newgrange

Posted on 23 August 2011

This is a copy of the sign at Newgrange showing a cross-section of the passage and chamber at Newgrange being illuminated by the rising sun on the Winter Solstice.

Education Pack for Senior Cycle - History of Art - Brú

Education Pack for Senior Cycle - History of Art - Brú na Bóinne

Posted on 23 August 2011

This Educational Pack was designed by the Guides at Brú na Bóinne to assist teachers and students working for the Leaving Cert. It may also be useful for Primary school teachers and students.

Education Pack for Junior Certificate History - Brú

Education Pack for Junior Certificate History - Brú na Bóinne

Posted on 23 August 2011

This Educational Pack was designed by the Guides at Brú na Bóinne to assist teachers and students working for the Junior Cert. It may also be useful for Primary school teachers and students.

Primary school worksheet for Brú na Bóinne Visitor Centre

Primary school worksheet for Brú na Bóinne Visitor Centre

Posted on 23 August 2011

Skellig Michael Excavations

Sceilg Mhichíl, Co. Kerry: The Monastery and South Peak. Archaeological stratigraphic report: excavations 1986—2010

Posted on 1 June 2011

This report is the full account of all the archaeological works carried out within the monastery and South Peak structures. It contains stratigraphic details with supporting plans, sections and photographs; a finds catalogue with descriptions and interpretations by relevant specialists; the raw data and results of palaeoenvironmental analyses and the osteoarchaeological analyses of human remains; a full account of the faunal remains; and the radiocarbon dates. The report concludes with an interim statement of the site’s significance. The purpose of this report is to make available the details of the archaeological works undertaken to date, in advance of the planned multidisciplinary publication programme.

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