Impact Assessment in a World Heritage Context
Postáilte ar 26 November 2024

World Heritage Ireland Second Capacity Building Workshop
On November 25-26, 2024, the National Monuments Service, in collaboration with the ICCROM World Heritage Leadership Programme and the Office of Public Works, successfully delivered a two-day workshop in Dublin focused on World Heritage Impact Assessment.
This engaging event brought together over 80 participants working in the public and private sector in heritage, planning, tourism and development, providing them with valuable insights into the tools and principles outlined in the ‘Guidance and Toolkit on Conducting Impact Assessments in a World Heritage Context,’ published in 2022 by UNESCO and its World Heritage Advisory Bodies (ICCROM, ICOMOS, and IUCN).
The workshop was designed to empower participants with a comprehensive understanding of the impact assessment (IA) process, including management and monitoring requirements, as well as reporting mechanisms for World Heritage Properties. By using Sceilg Mhichíl—a renowned World Heritage Property—as a case study, attendees had the opportunity to apply the impact assessment methodology in a practical setting. They identified and analysed the property’s unique values and attributes along with proactive strategies for their protection. The practicalities of effectively adapting and integrating global principles of World heritage IA into the Irish legal framework were discussed as well as the required supports.
This workshop highlighted the crucial role of sharing experiences and information among professionals, particularly between the heritage and planning sectors. As the World Heritage Ireland Capacity Building Programme continues to evolve, it will create even more opportunities for knowledge exchange and inspire meaningful conversations that contribute to the sustainable management of World Heritage Properties and Tentative List Sites.